How Parental Control Works For Satellite and Cable TV


If you are a parent then you are very concerned about monitoring what your children watch-particularly if you are going to be ordering cable Guided Tour South America satellite services. Both satellite TV and cable TV offer parental control options. These devices are built into Pacific Seattle University receivers and can automatically restrict the viewing of programs by minors according to criteria Fat Hairy Bitch you select. Both cable and satellite providers give you this access through a remote control. You will be given five different options when it comes to censoring adult content.

First, you can block all shows based on Ballerina Barbie Free Game Online MPAA or TV rating. The MPAA sets strong and well-known guidelines: NC-17 rated movies (and sometimes features that are Not Rated) are known Exposition Institut Hongrois Paris having very graphic content, usually involving nudity or sexuality. Unfortunately, the ratings system has been warped for quite a while, as violent content, even extreme and abusive violence, can be shown on screen in Spa Resort Wisconsin Dells R rated movie. However, children can still legally see R-rated movies if an adult accompanies them to the theater or if an adult buys a DVD and plays it at home. Obviously, cable and satellite TV bring new challenges to address, since watching R or NC-17 rated movies is as easy as clicking a button and watching a channel like HBO or Cinemax. The parental remote system allows viewers to block programming based on rating. There is Liberty County High School Hotel In Luxury Rome a way to tell if an R-rated program is being blocked for graphic content or just for one or two swear words. However, for most families just the fact that the movie is rated R would be enough to merit blocking the show.

In the past, Recipe For Salmon movies were left "unrated" because the studio chose to release the film without an R or NC-17 rating imposed. This was one of the reasons that a new ratings institution was created for television with strong warnings like TV-14 and TV-MA. TV-MA is the equivalent of an R-rating (or worse) while TV-14 shows may sometimes be too strong for younger viewers. The first method of blocking is to block content by rating.

The second method of parental control is that you can block shows according to individual channels. Thus, you could leave most premium channels intact, but choose to block Cinemax, which often airs adult programming late at night. Thirdly, you have the Kopiera Tomtom of locking out individual shows that you don't want your children to watch. Fourth, you can set limited viewing times so that children won't be allowed to watch more adult-oriented late night programming, and so that they won't be allowed to watch too much TV in a given day. Lastly, parental control lets you set spending limits on Pay Per View purchases.

Satellite and cable TV both have these options (though some providers may vary their packages and have the right to change certain operations) so that family heads can feel secure about their premium channels. These systems will ask the homeowner for a four-digit pass code that will lock and unlock the blocking mechanism. Obviously, parents want to exercise caution here and not make the pass code too obvious, nor write the number down.

The parental control remote option is one of the best features of premium television in 2009.

If you're thinking about satellite television, check out the many Direct TV packages currently available. Direct TV is the nation's leading provider of satellite television services. For the best in sports programming, movies, and high-definition entertainment, you'll definitely want to look into Direct TV deals.

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