Just For One Night

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Just for one night, Nyc Dept Health Reporting Christmas Eve, allow yourself to get lost Carburetor Float the suspension of disbelief. Forget everything Boston Apartment Listing you've been told about Santa not existing and believe, just for one night, that he not only exists but is Taser Guns real as you and I are. Chet Weird Science up into the starry sky with your little ones and search for Rudolph's red nose as he, along with eight other reindeer, flies around world pulling Santa's red sleigh, rushing through the night to deliver presents Golf School Womens on time. Forget that snowmen Yves Rocher Cadeaux live and pretend that Frosty does. Try really hard and see if you can Appartamenti Costiera Amalfitana the elves tiptoeing on your roof with Santa late at night on Christmas eve. Try to see, hear, think and feel Christmas as if you were a child of six or seven again.

Christmas is magical to little children because they can look beyond what they see and believe in the unknown. They can get excited in their belief that something fantastic not only might happen but in their knowledge that it will happen. They can see beyond what is right in front of them and look into a world that exists only in their imagination. When we get out our well-worn Christmas decorations, it Classical Vocal Reprints matter to my little ones that many of them are older than they are or that they have lost their glitter and shine. What matters to them is that they are representative of a Adult Entertainment Free Movie and place where what is imagined becomes real and what is dreamed of can be held close to heart if only for a short time.

Our decorations shine in my children's eyes because they anchor them to our family and represent to them all of the dreams that they have dreamed that have already come true. It doesn't matter to them that they might not get everything that they want at Christmas. I don't even want my children to have everything that they want. It matters that Christmas is real and our family is together and most of all it matters that there is a real reason behind what we do. It matters to them that Jesus was born one night, long, long ago and that He now lives in their hearts and that they are learning to live for Him. No, Jesus wasn't really born on December 25th, but that doesn't matter, either. What matters is that God loves us enough that He gave us the greatest Gift ever given: Jesus. Out of that gift grew Christmas and I mean to celebrate it with style.

So, this Christmas Eve, if you look for me you will find me standing on the lawn in the cold, dark night searching the skies with my little ones, waiting, hoping to see the light from Rudolph's nose. You will find me sitting excitedly beside my children as we Anti Avast Free Virus Ware the weather man tell us that something unusual is showing up on radar and they think that it just might be Santa Claus. You will find me sitting with a child on my lap as my husband reads us "The Night Before Christmas" before we go tuck everyone into bed so my husband and I can start our yearly Christmas vigil. You will find me saying prayers with my little ones, thanking God, as always, for Himself, for family, friends and blessings but, also thanking Him for Christmas: a reason to hope again, a time to dream again, a season for casting off ideas of what can't be and embracing what could be just for one night.

Anna Wood is a Christian stay-at-home wife and mother of 9. She is a homeschooler, dedicated researcher, avid reader and writer of articles and e-books. She is passionate about her God and her family. She enjoys playful times with her children, quiet times with her husband and solitude. She writes on subjects that range from holiday feasting, to the crucifixion of Christ, to miscarriage.

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