Mother Earth News

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Mother earth news is not so encouraging. Mother earth has undergone tremendous plundering in the hands of human beings. Humanity has profoundly affected the natural course of existence by unabashed self-oriented consumption of the natural resources at the expense of the other species Best Exercise Plan manifestations of nature.

Mother earth Discount Luggage Price The imbalance

There is a great imbalance created in the nature with only human beings growing exponentially as a pest Bassotto Pelo Duro parasite. Where ever you look around you will find structures created by humanity for its self-interest. Where is raw nature today? You Ball Beach Popping find any of it.

We are Housing For Single Moms towards a total devastation and annihilation of the world. We are sucking away the natural resources of the world at an alarming rate without creating anything new. We have been the reason for the pollution of the air, the land and the sea. We have destroyed natural habitats and we are responsible for the extinction of many species in the world.
Mother earth news: The plundering

We have destroyed most of the vegetation and forest cover across the world. We have plundered the forests for its plant resources and animal resources. We have cut trees for wood and hunted down animals for meat, hide and the bones. The biggest cat Hot Sexy Woman Porn earth the tiger is on the verge of extinction as it is hunted for its Auto Brake Online Repair and hide. It is so sad to note Glasgow Office Serviced this majestic beast is killed for its bones which are used for the preparation of the so called traditional medicines claiming to increase the devilish masculinity of human beings. We have cleaned the vegetation of the forest for organized farming. We have destroyed the biodiversity of the world in every way that is possible.

We have over fished in the seas, rivers and oceans and plundered the water based resources to such an extent that many species of fish have vanished from the surface of earth. We have affected the natural fauna and flora of the oceans in a big way by over Warcraft 3 Code mining and waste dumping. We have hunted down great species of the sea like wale for its flesh.

We have pumped out the natural fossil resources from the Magic City of the earth for generation of energy and have fought destructive wars for control of these natural resources. These fossil based energy sources have been the biggest pollutants of the 360 Box Game Girl X and have contributed significantly in global warming.

Mother earth news: Pollution and global warming

We have polluted the land, the air and the sea with toxic gases, chemicals and biological agents. We have given rise to new diseases like cancer. We are responsible for the dramatic changes seen in the nature with global warming and climate change affecting the entire world.

The problem is that we are just going on and on consuming everything that is available in front of us like a pest or a parasite. We have destroyed and destroying things which we cannot ever think of creating ourselves. We have either consumed or destroyed completely the wonderful creations of nature for our own self interest. This is mother earth news.

Mother earth news: Reversing the course

It's time we reverse the course. We need to understand about the kind of hell we are creating for ourselves. For this to happen we need to recognize and bring out the balance between the feminine and masculine principles within us so that it manifests it in the external universe for genuine and positive course correction.

First of all we need to understand and recognize the destructive changes that are taking place around the world because of our selfish and uncontrolled plundering and devastation of natural resources.

It's time for the awakening to sink in all of us that we have been the culprit species which have consumed most of the natural resources available on earth in the name of unabashed growth and materialism. We have destroyed many species and we may end up making this earth barren and inhospitable for ourselves as well as for any other living species.

Mother earth news: New models of growth and development

The current growth and development model followed around the world has not brought any great difference in the overall well being of the humanity and nature. Past is past and the emerging world economies need to understand that they cannot ape the current model of growth and development for a wholesome and balanced existence with nature. If they ape the current model they are assuring themselves a future which is bleak and dark with scarcity of even basic amenities like clean air, water shelter and food. Two bad does not make one good neither two wrong make one right. They cannot put on the argument that the developed economies did it first and now we have to take our share. The problem will be that at the end there will be nothing left for anybody. The emerging economies with the support of the developed economies need to work for a creative and generative model of existence for humanity were alternative resources are created and developed without putting much pressure on nature.

Mother earth news: Holistic way of life

Now the time has come for abandoning the self-oriented uncontrolled materialism based on ruthless exploitation of nature. It's time to embrace a holistic way of life which is in sync with nature. Let's live a life of creative and generative action based on the principles of love, compassion, nurturing and healing. Let's live a life with a purpose of unification of forces and unfold the mysteries of nature for genuine devolvement and progress of humanity in sync with nature.

Mother earth news: Conservation, protection and creative generation

For this to happen, first of all let's protect what we have in terms of the natural resources that we have been left with and further let's get into creative mode and engage in actions like reforestation at a faster pace than the deforestation that is taking place currently. Let's minimize the consummation of fossil based resources and aggressively work towards creating "innovative green resources" for our energy, food and shelter needs. Let's revitalize our land, our sea and our atmosphere. Most importantly let's control the exponential explosion of human population on earth which can jeopardize the very existence of life on earth.

Mother earth news: Expansion into the outer universe

Let's also think bigger and larger. Let's think about expanding in the outer universe. Let's discover life in space and let's reach out to them. Let's take nature's help in reducing the tremendous pressure on mother earth which we have been responsible for creating in the first place.

The first and most important step towards a new direction can be taken by spreading the awareness of the current problems in hand. Thereafter we need to aggressively engage in exploring newer possibilities for sustainable and balanced growth & development of humanity in sync with nature.

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This site envisions the rise of womanhood in true sense that is the rise of the "essence" of womanhood in the physical, mental, intellectual and the spiritual planes. It calls for the beginning of a campaign for the true rise of women in all spheres of life for the restoration of the balance in nature.

Somewhere we have to make a beginning and it's always better if we make the initiation at our own self. We can strengthen this mass movement for the "rise of womanhood" by bringing about the necessary changes in our own life as felt by our inner self. Further we can transmit the new thinking to others who care to listen. A small step today will definitely lead to a giant leap tomorrow.

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