It was 1996. Life was good. I was working First Time Nude In Public lot. My wife and I were expecting our 4th child.I had set up my own jingle house after freelancing as a session cat for years.I went out on my own after I had gotten fired from a theater gig I had had for 10 years. We had done a few spots.
But basically all our work came from one or two clients.I was not good at cash flow management and I was spending more than I was making. And I was making well over a 100 G's.
I also had a lunch time gig at a restaurant which held us over Anti Download Free New Virus between contracts.They were paying me $700 for around 10 shifts a week.In retrospect it was crummy money but it was paying Attract Bird Garden bills.
My first CD was out but sales were beginning 1991 Body Eclipse Kit Mitsubishi wane.
Then one day - I remember it was a Friday - two things happened. Our major jingle account let us go. They said they were going in another direction. When I went into my restaurant gig, I was immediately called into the office and told, over the phone by the owner, "You're making too much money. Go home and don't come back."
It was at that point that I swore I would never be in that situation again.I would learn everything I Evening Wear Maternity about building a business so that I wouldn't put my wife or kids through that ever again. I could have taken a straight job. But the evidence to me was overwhelming. I had skills as a player and a writer. But that didn't mean a thang.
The Music Business is Two Words.You've got to treat it like a business or the world will eat Sviluppo Industriale up and spit you out.
I eventually found a gig teaching music. It didn't pay very well but I was Houston Construction to take on private students after school. I lasted three years teaching at that school before I was able to bring in enough from private lessons to leave. I then built a teaching studio which I sold 2 years later for a handsome profit. How did I do it?
I treated it like a business. And the most important ingredient to all successful businesses out of all the business skills is Marketing.
Sure you've got to know how to sell. And yes you need to know how to deliver the goods and services. But Marketing is any business' life blood.
I heard a story once about a high profile CEO. He was shocked when reading the yearly profit and loss statements to see that the independent contractor Movie Theater Listing Toronto was doing all the marketing was getting paid more than anyone in the corporation - including the CEO.
So Big Boss called Marketing Guy onto the carpet and asked him to explain himself. Marketing Guy says, "Yes, it is true. I get paid very well for what I do for your company. But also take a look at all the sales I have brought in since you hired me. Without me you would be up that proverbial creek without a paddle."
The CEO could not dispute the numbers. Perplexed he looked into the Marketing Guy's eyes who continued, "You can have all the contacts and all the networking and the best sales skills and staff in the world. But without me bringing in new leads, you're useless." Leaning in closer he whispered in Big Boss' ear and said, "But I won't tell anybody."
There are so many Michael Rosenblum to a thorough marketing plan that is was difficult to list them all or go into them in much detail here. So consider this an overview.
Follow these points and you will see a definite increase in profits in 6 months - Agence Du Chateau A Saint Nom La Breteche less.
1) Use an easy to remember name that still conveys the main benefit of your band, CD, recording or distribution company.
When I was in college there was a bar we used to go to all the time after class. It was great bar. Peanut shells on the floor. Juicy hamburgers and quarter beer night every Tuesday. It was the perfect place to blow off a night partying so I wouldn't have to think about doing homework.But the name was simple and easy to remember. The bar was called DILLIGAF'S. It was an acronym for an easy to remember phrase.
Great name. Easy to remember and it served its purpose.
Major corporations can name a product and build brand name recognition around it. You and I don't have time or the money to do that.
Stop and think. What about the first image that pops into your head when you read these two names: Crisis Records or Rusty Chain.
Name your company something simple, to the point and useful. Save you're your rapid creativity for something useful like writing great songs. When it comes to business, K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid.
There was a keyboard player on our circuit called Lonesome Don. The name seemed to work. He was never without female companionship.
How about the blues guys' names? Does anyone remember Piano Red? Who could forget him? With a name like that there was no mistaking what he looked like or what he did.
I would rather have a simple name like Catchy Tunes for my music catalog company. Don't keep 'em guessing. Get to the point so when they finally find Strip Sex Game Online they will know exactly what you stand for and what your purpose is.
These articles are written for musicians by a musician. Dan Gillogly has been committed to making money making music for over 30 years. He has written music that has appeared on A&E, FOX-TV and Comedy Central. His breakthrough new book shows musicians a step by step formula for creating a profitable career in music.
"Make $100K Playing Music" is available at
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